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Attrill Associates Limited





• Flexible Working »

The right to request flexible working will be extended to all employees with at least 26 weeks' continuous employment.

The current statutory right to request procedure will be replaced with a duty on employers to consider all requests in a 'reasonable' manner and within a 'reasonable' amount of time.  Implementation date 30 June 2014.


• HR Audit »

We offer a complimentary 

consultation session to assess your HR requirements.




We are all about providing business focussed common sense HR. 

Attrill Associates believe that effective people management doesn't have to be onerous. 




We pride ourselves on ensuring that our clients have uncomplicated assistance to effectively deal with day to day people issues. 


We offer the following:


Employment law advice for every day HR issues

Policy and Procedure development

Devising job descriptions or training plans

Project management: recruitment, training, induction, employee surveys or even redundancy programmes.


How does your HR measure up!








Take a fresh look at HR,  contact us on: 07960 749123 to discuss your  needs.




Alternatively please email: